Title: Jungle Chess
Overall Rating: A-
Source: Edmark at http://www.riverdeep.net/edmark/
Playing Time: 10 minutes and up
Software Release Date: March 22, 2002
Cost:Call 800-825-4420 for pricing or Email customers@riverdeep.ne
Operating System:Macintosh 7.5.6 or higher/Windows 95 or higher
Number of Players: 1-2
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: None
Subject Area: Strategy/Science/Math--Fourth Grade and Up
Objectives: Explicitly Stated at Information Website as follows: (1) Develop Self-Motivated and Goal-Directed Behavior (2)Consider Alternate Outcomes and Points of View (3) Anticipate Obstacles (4) Evaluate Results (5) See How Animals Use Strategic Behaviors (6) Examine Offensive and Defensive Strategies.
Brief Description: Jungle Chess is actually one part of a three pack of games. In Jungle Chess two players play head to head, moving game pieces strategically through a playing board filled with obstacles. As with chess or checkers players are able to capture each others' pieces in order to increase their chances of winning.
Entry Capabilities Required: Basic knowledge of the concepts of chess and checkers. Ability to use a mouse to manipulate on screen game pieces.

Rating: (1-5)

Strong Points: This game is very fun! It teaches students about strategy and animal life while holding thier interest in an intense game of 'chess.' Directions are included in the game, making it easy for 'on the fly' referencing. It will run on computers produced in the last eight years.
Weak Points: It is difficult to find information on how to purchase without contacting the company. The game is also a very 'watered-down' version of an actual chess game, however, this would be appropriate for a fourth grade student. The objectives are not linked to any standards of any kind.
Reviewer: Justin Johnson
Position: Graduate Student/Substitute Teacher
Date Reviewed: 1/14/04
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh G4 450, 512mb ram.